JWs Discourage Higher Education

In a recent letter to all Bodies of Elders in the USA the Service Department gave follow up instructions following the recent elder’s school that introduced the new elder’s book. The letter is interesting as it shows the control and the extent as to how higher education is routinely discouraged within the organization. The letter has a series of inquisition type questions to determine if anyone that attempts to enroll at a university will be summoned to answer. It is left to the elders determination if the answers they are given are sufficient or deficient. If you read the questions closely you will see it is virtually impossible to remain an elder, ministerial servant or pioneer and attend college. An interesting aspect of this information is that it helps the reader to see what positions of trust within the organization are. If a person in this case because of a decision to pursue higher education was an elder, ministerial servant or pioneer they would be subject to extreme scrutiny in a series of questions. Even if they were to pass this test they would be watched closely and if at any moment it would seem that they were wavering they would immediately be removed from their position. Why? Because these three positions are leadership within the organization,they are positions of trust, and they are considered examples that the congregation looks up to. Pursuing higher education would almost automatically make them bad examples and thus no longer about to be set forward to the congregation as an example or person to be trusted as a leader.

The first question; Does he show that he puts Kingdom interests first? It is impossible to keep from failing as a person that puts kingdom interests first would use the time for college to put more time in the field ministry instead of sitting a classroom. Any elder asking these questions would have that viewpoint and as a result there is almost no way that a person could go to college and have any privilege in the congregation. 

This letter is like pennies from heaven in that it clearly shows the directive to keep members uneducated, it also shows the three key positions within the organization that are looked at as leadership and positions of trust, and finally there is a clear example of the high control that elders have over members. In this instance it is education, sex, and family. As you can see they control everything. So in practice if an elder or group of elders were to make a suggestion regarding an allegation of abuse members would in the same context be required to comply or go against the direction of God. 

God is directing the governing Body who in turn directs the Service Department that in turn sends letters and directs elders in their work. When an elder speaks to you it is considered answering to God as they are his representative on earth. 

On a final note in the next to the last paragraph starts with the heading; ‘Encourage young men to reach out’. As you will note not one word is said regarding ‘encouraging’ them to seek higher education. Instead it says to, “…help them seek theocratic goals” and as any Jehovah’s Witness knows that means do not seek higher education. 

In my last deposition I was asked if it is written anywhere that JWs youth are discouraged from seeking higher education. My answer was that it was in several places in their literature. This letter dated March 6, 2012 shows this policy is still firmly being practiced within the organization. As I pointed out the two JW lawyers in attendance were bad examples as JWs for seeking higher education and their qualifications should have been called into question. This letter confirms just that. 

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