The End is Near?

The End is Near October 2014

October of 2014 will mark the one hundred year anniversary of the Jehovah's Witness doomsday prophecy of the destruction of mankind. Pastor Russel, the founder of the group initially predicted the end would actually occur in the fall of 1914 even to the actual day. When that morning arrived they had to acknowledge their failure in prediction and call it a "test of faith". Since that time various leaders of the organization have predicted the end in several dates from 1925 all the way up till 2000. Now faithful members are apparently holding their collective breath for this next month. For some strange reason they seem to expect that God will bring Armageddon on the hundred year anniversary as some sort of sick joke to make them lesser fools than they have proved themselves to be over the last one hundred years. 

The terminology "The End is Near" has been used extensively thorough out their publication as a way to strike fear into the hearts and minds of the gullible and easily manipulated. The mantra since 1874 has been fairly simple. "Sell books or God will kill you" This one line sums up every meeting and publication the Jehovah's Witnesses have ever produced. Why? The publishing corporation produces over one billion pieces of literature each year and they need slave labor to distribute their production. For these reasons members are duped with death threats at the hand of God to keep them out on the street selling books. Yes, it is selling, as each publication requires a donation whether from members or the unknowing public. 

It is a slick operation as each congregation of JWs functions as a glorified ATM for the home office. In the congregation I was in, the actual cost of literature was about $25 a month and we would regularly send $500-$800 a month in donations. Think about it! If you could l produce a product that cost $25 and then use slave labor to sell it for $500 while declaring tax free status.... How much money do you think you could make? Well JWs claim to have 93,000 congregations. $500 x 93,000 = $46,500,000 a month in tax free income. This alone results in an annual cash cow of over a half a billion dollars. This of course does not include regular donations and the thousands of estates and inheritances that are stolen each year from elderly members.

You see "The End is Near" is a term used to strike terror into the hearts of brain washed members to keep them from ever have a real life or education. They forgo everything to "Pioneer" (full time work distributing literature) and live on government assistance to subsidize their slave labor for the profitable and controlling religion. Below are listed a few of the references to that term. See how people are manipulated for power and money to serve as mindless robots for greedy tax free corporations. 

So while so many JWs will be out door to door in fear of their murdering God Jehovah I am working on my trick or treating costume for October 31. One of two things is going to happen. 1. A few million JWs will be the only survivors of a world holocaust at the hands of Jehovah. 2. I will be trick or treating in my new outfit.

Who do you want to bet will be the winner? I would not want to second guess Jehovah, but something tells me I am going to have a lot of candy...

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***w50 2/15 p.54" Stick to Your Work"*** Now is the time tolive and work as Christians, especially now, for the final end is near. 

***w50 11/1 p.406 New Systems ofThings***The fact now that the weeping and gnashing of the teeth ofthe rejected unworthy ones has begun proves we are near the climax of thedividing work and that the accomplished end is near upon this world 

***w51 9/1 p.541 Not Remaining Silenton the World’s Doom*** Accompanying that rule, just asforetold, confusion, disease, wars and distress rip through the ranks of thecrumbling old world; its end is near. 

***w58 10/15p. 637 Public Address:God’s Kingdom Rules—Is the World’s End Near?*** We know not the day or hour, but the world’s end is near. 

***w59 1/1p.8" Stay by TheseThings"*** and Jehovah’s witnesses, being trueto their assignment, have let the world know in all principal languages thatGod’s kingdom rules and the world’s end is near. 

***w59 3/1 p.150 Explaining God’sSigns and Wonders*** our preaching of this message is proofthat this world’s end is near. True, thisexposes us to persecution, and this persecution will doubtless increase inintensity against all of us when Gog of Magog attacks. 

***w59 3/15 p.179 Helpers TowardWalking Wisely*** The overshadowing fact of today, thatGod’s kingdom rules and therefore the old world’s end is near, this fact should dominate ourlives. 

***w59 4/15 p.239 The Perfect Rulerfor Man’s Government*** on Sunday, August 3, 1958,there were 253,922 persons who listened to the hour-long address on the subject"God’s Kingdom Rules—Is the World’s End Near?" The world’s complete end is near, the speaker said. 

***w60 6/1 p.324 Is Our CivilizationFacing a Fall?*** The increasing disregard for moralstandards is a foretold indication that its end is near. 

***w63 1/1 p.16 How Strong Is YourFaith?*** The time of the end is near! 

***w67 3/1 p.152 Were You Once aKingdom Publisher?*** 

It is vitally urgent that youbecome an active Christian now! Why? Because the time is short. 

The end is near! 

***w70 12/15 p.758 End of WorldwideWitnessing Gets Nearer*** But all evidence is persuasivethat the climactic end is near. 

***w72 11/1 p.660 Is a Fiery EndReally Near?*** So a fiery end is near for Christendom. Her religiousorganizations will be destroyed. 

***w73 12/15 p.739 Earth’s Rulers fora Thousand Years*** But its end is near 

***w74 10/15 p.634 Growing inAppreciation for the "Divine Purpose"*** 

Correct, therefore, was the headline in the Milwaukee Journal,"

THE END IS NEAR, WITNESSES SAY." Thearticle noted: "There is a feeling of urgency among the estimated 41,000Jehovah’s Witnesses meeting at County Stadium through Sunday. 

***w83 7/1p.7 A Pleasure-Loving WorldAbout to End!*** "

The End" Is Near! 

***w84 11/15 p.23 "The Time Left Is Reduced" ***Then, too, there has been a dwindling in the number of thoseof "this generation" of 1914, which is not to pass away before thefulfillment of all that Jesus foretold for our time. (Matthew 24:34) This isanother clear indication that this system’s end is near.

***w85 8/1 p.10 TrueChristians Are Kingdom Preachers*** Today, "the end" is near indeed.

***w87 2/1 p.29 Do You Have anInquiring Mind?*** Today, world events provideoverwhelming evidence that the end is near 

***w93 6/1 p.16 BeSound in Mind—TheEnd Is Close*** Thus, when a choice is presented, forexample, in education, career, employment, entertainment, recreation, clothingstyle, or whatever it may be, his first inclination will be to consider thematter from a spiritual rather than a fleshly, selfish viewpoint. This newmental attitude makes it easier to decide matters with soundness of mind andwith the awareness that the end is near. 

***w95 10/15p.21 How Will You StandBefore the Judgment Seat?***the world’s final end is near 

***w96 1/1p.11 Jehovah Gives Peaceand Truth in Abundance***As evidence that the pouringout of these plagues continues, the talk "False Religion’sEnd Is Near

" was delivered worldwide on April 23, 1995, followedby the distribution of hundreds of millions of copies of a special issue of KingdomNews.

***w97 3/1p.11 Are You Ready forJehovah’s Day?***Hence, the end is near for this wicked system of things. 

***w98 9/15 p.18 Waitingin"Eager Expectation"*** These anointed onesknow that this wicked system’s end is near, 

***w00 1/15 p.12 "Keep on theWatch"*** What is one way that we can keep inexpectation of the end? It is by paying close attention to the evidence that the end is near. 

***w01 2/1 p.19 Are You Living Up toYour Dedication?***Yes, let us not be lukewarm regardingour dedication, but let us be "aglow with the spirit," zealous downto the end—and the end is near 

***w03 12/15p.14 Our WatchfulnessTakes On Greater Urgency*** We must have firmconviction that "the end of all things has drawn close." (1 Peter4:7) Only then will our watchfulness take on a sense of urgency. Hence, thequestion that we must reflect on is: ‘What will help us to strengthen ourconviction that the end is near?


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