Pedophiles Proliferate and Prosper

If you do the math on the Jehovah’s Witnesses legal testimony to the Royal Commission’s investigation in Australia some sobering figures arise when you apply them globally.

Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia - 68,000

Global JW Population - 8.2 million

There are 120 times more JWs globally than in Australia.

Using the JWorg’s OWN figures to the Royal Commission on a sworn statement where they say there are 28 alleged abusers now serving as positions of responsibility. If we apply that statistic globally, that means there are approximately 3.360 men appointed to leadership positions within the organization that are pedophiles.

In addition 16 child molesters were reappointed elders meaning statistically globally approximately 1,920 pedophiles serving as elders.

The worst figure is that they admitted to preventing 125; child abuse cases from going to the police, globally that is 15,000 Jehovah’s Witness children prevented from being protected and getting justice.

The final number of 1,006 pedophile offences in Australia alone over the last 60 years means statistically globally 121,303 unreported cases. So when Silentlambs reported 23,720 in 2002 within the Service Department database of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we see this is a very conservative number. As we explained this only covered USA, Canada, and Europe. The actual total number is much larger as can be seen from these statistics. 

Jehovah’s Witnesses can no longer defend the thought that their database has a much lower number of pedophiles when these numbers in fact show without doubt they could easily have information for over 121,000 Jehovah’s Witness pedophiles in their records that for the most part remains unreported to proper authorities.

The Pedophile Paradise continues to prosper with the blessing of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.


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