A mother writes:


“I had a conversation with my son last night. I’m starting to tell him slowly that I don’t want to be a witness anymore. I was df’d for the second time, I did not have him the first time). He said that once he is baptized (he is 15) he will not talk to me anymore because that’s what Jehovah would want. I may as well have been given a death sentence. I will die if I cannot have my child in my life, I will just die.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses weaponize baptism to cut children off from non-member parents. Baptism in JWorg is not like other religions in that it is a lifetime contract with no escape clause. When children agree to the terms the are locked in to believing their non-member parents are going to be killed by God at any minute and are required to shun them as part of “Satan’s World”. NEVER agree to allowing your children to have a JW baptism before the age of eighteen.



The Flowers for Algernon Moment


Custody and Jehovah’s Witnesses – How They Destroy Families