Custody and Jehovah’s Witnesses – How They Destroy Families

Divorce is never an easy topic to discuss under normal circumstances.  Often emotions run high and spouses battle for money and rights to visitation.  When custody involves Jehovah’s Witnesses an insidious sequence of events transpires to alienate children away from the non-member parent and see to it that are shunned and cut off from the child’s life.

Jehovah’s Witnesses know what they are doing and use misdirection to circumvent the courts from being able to take appropriate action in the best interest of the child.  To the public, they put forth the image of being just a normal quirky little religion that just wants to study the Bible.  Behind the scenes, they are a manipulative cult that wants children for slave labor to sell their books.  

Each and every meeting, video, and publication carries a simple message; “Sell books for JWorg or God will kill you.”  To the impressionable mind of a child, this is a form of terror as pictures are presented in child literature of horrible deaths being experienced by those that are not selling JWorg materials.

Children are taught Jehovah is a type of “Krampus” that follows you around just waiting to punish or kill you at any minute taking note of every single action every minute of every day.  They often become paranoid from dear of displeasing Jehovah and thus being turned over to Satan for certain torture and death.  Kids are told that “Bad associations spoil useful habits..” and that anyone outside the religion represents a minion of Satan to not be trusted at best and be avoided at all costs.

If you are a non-member parent where does this leave you?  You are a dead man walking and considered evil, something that is going to be destroyed by God at any minute.  Often non-member parents are set upon, by tearful children, which beg them to go to the Kingdom Hall so Jehovah will not murder them.  If that non-member parent tries to explain their position for being a non-member they are then labeled as an opponent or apostate, the most evil of all Satan’s creation and something to be avoided at all costs.  Children by church directives are required to shun this parent and never have anything to do with them again.

The organization endeavors to cover this up by using an ongoing church doctrine called “Theocratic Warfare Strategy”.  This practice allows them to misrepresent and outright lie about their beliefs to outside people and the courts in order to capture children and keep them within the religion.  

Note this quote from a recent magazine offering assistance on divorce: 

 “Divorce could have a devastating effect on your children, especially if you do not encourage them to have a healthy relationship with your ex-spouse.” Awake 2/10 

This would appear to indicate the opposite of what has been described above.  But is it the truth?  Note in the fall of 2015, when Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson was asked about shunning former members before the Royal Commission in Australia,  how he evaded giving direct answers:

2:00 to 3:00 Angus Stewart asks Jackson: "If a person wants to leave your organization mustn’t they dissociate or get DFed ? " 

Jackson states: "They don't have to dissociate. They can tell anybody they want that they aren't JW's." 

4:50 to 6:00 Angus Stewart attempts to read WT instructions contradicting Jackson and Jackson rudely interrupts Stewart and says, "they have total freedom. If they don't want to be JW's nobody prevents them from doing so."

7:15 to 8:00 Angus Stewart : "They are still held accountable if inactive when they break the rules of the organization."

8:30 Jackson starts playing "dumb" and states: "It's not my field I don't understand." 

Stewart replies: "Well Mr. Jackson it IS your field, correct? You've been a GB member for 10 years now." 

Stewart continues and asks, "If an inactive JW celebrates Christmas could he be DFed for doing so? Is he still held accountable by the church? 

Jackson replies, "No, I disagree he would not get DFed."

11:00 to 13:00 Angus Stewart continues and says to Jackson: " Isn't it true that an inactive JW is still subject to the organization's rules? If two elders call on an inactive person's door and ask if they still want to be a JW and the answer is "No" - won't that person be DFed?" 

Jackson replies: "No, that doesn't happen. "Then Jackson claims elders try to readjust the person, .

14:00 to 17:35 Angus Stewart continues and doesn't let up, he asks: "A person inactive is still subject to the discipline of the church, correct? If elders found a person living in sin would they discipline that person if inactive? " 

Jackson admits: "In that case, the person could be DFed. Remaining JW members cannot associate with him" Jackson continues, "We don't have a spiritual "police force" running around spying on people. 

Stewart makes his point by saying, "You're either IN the organization or you're OUT of the organization."

18:00 to 20:00 Jackson still stubbornly refuses to admit that the elders will DF inactive ones for celebrating Christmas. 

Angs Stewart remarks: "Well, what choice do inactive ones have? They are faced with gaining their freedom from the organization on the one hand- but losing their family and friends on the other hand."

 As you can see the Royal Commission was familiar with the facts and attempted to get Jackson to admit how this destroys families.  Jackson was cited as being evasive and not credible in his answers to the Royal Commission.  Jackson set the example for all members to go before the courts and misrepresent facts of their faith to prevent punishment and sanctions for their practices.  

Interestingly when communicating directly to members the gloves come off and the truth is actually presented.  This summer at the 2016 Regional Conventions, in which all members are required to attend specific directives is given for “Inactive” ones, (People that choose to no longer be Jehovah’s Witnesses) opposers, (those that simply do not agree with JW teachings and voice an opinion) and apostates. (Former members that actively seek to help members see facts about the religion) They are described as people that “spread harmful ideas” and as a result are to be shunned at all costs and labeled as “unrepentant wrongdoers”.  

The sermon goes on to state:  

 “It can especially be a tough test of our loyalty when the unrepentant sinner is a family member. We shouldn’t allow family ties to threaten our loyalty to Jehovah and His organization.”

 If you are a non-member parent where doe this leave you?  Basically as a parent that will never see your children again.  The religion will pressure them to cut you off as “bad association” and someone soon to be killed by God and thus not worthy of being their family any longer.

The question is what can you do if faced with this situation?  Hire a good lawyer and use an expert to assist in explaining what is really going on.  If you have any custody rights forbid your children from attending the Regional Conventions this year as they should do not needlessly be exposed to this mind control and manipulation.  Use the outline of the talk below to seek an emergency motion from the to forbid your children’s attendance at this talk or any of the Loyalty Regional Convention parts as they are all reinforcing destroying your relationship with your child and alienating you from ever seeing them again.  In the event your funds are limited or you need assistance to find a game plan on how to move forward contact or call 800-762-9227 for kind assistance in seeking solutions.  

The important thing is to not wait, do something to move matters forward in the interest of protecting your children, and never allowing them to be exposed to the family destroying practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Never allow them to bully you into doing nothing, there is always something that can be done and your children are worth it.  

Fighting for their future is never the wrong thing to do.

 (Outline of 2016 Regional Convention talk on shunning)

 Shun Unrepentant Wrongdoers

 Jehovah’s justice benefits us.

 Jehovah’s law given to Moses protected God’s people physically and spiritually from bad or evil influences.

 The Israelites’ loyalty was put to the test by some of these laws (Dt 13:1 -11)

 Since the first century, Jehovah has commanded us not to seek friendship or fellowship from unrepentant ones [Read 1 Cor 5:11 -13]

 Disfellowshipping is a beneficial measure even though some from this permissive world consider it an excessive/cruel/radical (W15 4/15 29-31)

 It helps keep Jehovah’s and his organization’s name clean. It protects us from bad associations, which includes messages from apostates or other opposers that are used to spread harmful ideas. (2Jn, 10, 11)

 Disfellowshipping can help a sinner to return to Jehovah.

 Loyal Christians should not associate with anyone “called a brother” and yet practices grave sin.

 We have to do so even with unrepentant ones that have not been dealt by the congregation, like in the case of inactive ones.

 It can be an especially tough test of our loyalty when the unrepentant sinner is a family member. We shouldn’t allow family ties to threaten our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization (w13, 1/15 15, 16 Paragraphs 16 – 20).

 The following video will see how loyalty reaps benefits..

Jehovah understands the pain caused by the loss of a loved one.

 Jehovah’s reaction to the rebellion of the people of Israel helps us understand how he felt when some of his spiritual children joined Satan’s rebellion (Sl 78:40, 41; w07 1/15 17, 18)

 Jehovah does not let his emotions get the better of him. He punished the Israelites severely (Sl 78:60-62)

 He also took measures against rebels in the spirit realm so he could protect the rest of his heavenly family (Jud 6; Rev 12:7-9)

Respect Jehovah’s discipline.

 Disfellowshipping can be a painful measure, but those that accept it are seen as righteous once again by God [Read Heb 12:11) (W12 4/15 12 paragraph 16)


A mother writes:


Watchtower Defeated in Court on a Regular Basis