Save Your Child From Parental Alienation


Children are under many pressures today with information technology and the fast pace of life, as we know it. Parents often are tasked with keeping up and trying to protect little ones from so many influences that come from all sides. When discord happens within a marriage a greater stress is added to inhibit the normal development of a growing child. Parents should cooperate and work together without making the other out to be the villain. After all the child’s own self esteem is wrapped up in being made up of genetics from both parents. When religious differences occur it is important to have cooperation with both points of view and not demonizing a position just because you may not agree. This is a difficult neutrality to maintain as many times certain religions put pressure on the child to make a choice and cut off a parent that might not agree with their perception of God.

An example of this danger is with Jehovah’s Witnesses who believe in a dooms day end time’s application of the Bible. In their belief system no one will survive the coming Armageddon but members who are active in distributing literature and collecting donations for the organization. In their perception no one will survive God’s wrath unless they distribute literature and collect money. The result is all members are amassed with a religious contract of dedication and baptism that requires eternity for the commitment. Even if you wish to break the contract you are never released of the consequences enforced by the religious group such as shunning and being labeled as one that has lost salvation. The contract punishments can be alleviated only if you conform to the favorable terms of selling books and collecting money again. 

As anyone would agree this is a very adult contract under religious terms protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. In Jehovah’s Witness practice in the last ten years they have promoted younger and younger children coming under these terms when they have no concept of what they are in fact agreeing to. If you as a non-believing parent allow your child to be baptized as a JW you will find the child will be alienated from you as a person soon to be destroyed by God. The child is forced to practice shunning or face stern discipline from church elders. This often puts the child under a tremendous amount of stress to conform and disown non-member family. As in the picture offered above children as young as five years of age are pressured into this religious contract with no concept of what they have agreed to. This is devastating to trying to make parents of divorce find common ground and cruel and unusual punishment for the children who are victims of this insidious contract.

Any non-member parent involved in a custody battle with a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses needs to take precautions to prevent their children from being committed to the religious contract until the child is of adult age to make such a decision. It should be agreed and included in the custody agreement the child will be required to make no commitment until they are at least eighteen years of age or older. 

Non-member parents should be aware that Jehovah’s Witnesses employ a legal team free of charge to train members and children how to perjure themselves in the court to prevent guardian ad litem and judges from knowing their actual practices and how the child will be harmed from ever having a normal relationship with the non-member parent. 

Obtaining assistance to help your attorney know how to proceed efficiently will save you thousands of dollars in the long term and give you the greatest chance of arriving at a custody agreement that will protect your child. At we provide consulting to your attorney to get results in the interest of protecting children and allowing parents to have a healthyenvironment. If you have questions contact can be made at jwchildcustody@gmail.comor calling 800-762-9227 for a free consultation.

Children of divorce should be free to live a normal life and never feel they are under pressure to alienate a parent due to religious pressure. When parents look at the big picture and work together they can have a cohesive cooperation that allows children to flourish and feel they are safe and loved.


Five Things You Should Know if in a Jehovah’s Witness Child Custody Case

