Five Things You Should Know if in a Jehovah’s Witness Child Custody Case


It is estimated in the USA there are over one thousand custody cases fought each year involving Jehovah’s Witnesses. The organization has increased to almost eight million members and custody litigation is only going to grow as the organization expands. Why do so many cases go to court? Jehovah’s Witnesses are a doomsday religion that believes the end is coming at any moment. When that event occurs according to their faith, every man, woman, and child including weak JWs, will be exterminated by God, leaving only exceptional members to survive and rebuild the decimated aftermath. 

So how does this affect children? Members believe that allowing the child tolive or be influenced by a non member parent is a death sentence for the child soon to be administered by God. So forany Jehovah’s Witness parent it is a matter of life and death to prevent the child from being anything but a Jehovah’s Witness. Something less is a certain execution at the hands of God and as a result the parent will resort to any means to do whatever they can to save their child. With this scenario in mind these are the five factors you must recognize if you are ever in such a custody battle.

  1. Jehovah’s Witnesses have over a dozen lawyers on staff that have taken a vow of poverty to assist any member in good standing to know how to circumvent the legal system and win at all cost. This advice and assistance is free and for members gives them the license to run up thousands of dollars in legal costs to drain the non member parent.

  2. Jehovah’s Witnesses have prepared a booklet, “Preparing for Child Custody Disputes”. This booklet teaches members how to perjure and mislead the court as to the actual practices the child will be submitted to. They will also be informed of “Theocratic Warfare” this gives the member ‘Carte Blanc’ rights to say anything in order to win believing it is obeying God over the instruction of man’s court. JWs believe the entire world is under the control of Satan including the governments and court; as a result they are viewed as the enemy to be tricked in to doing what they wish to accomplish.

  3. Lawyers have no concept of what they are up against and proceed to go through a learning curve in which they will be out maneuvered legally over and over again. The JW lawyers know exactly what they are doing. The non member parent as a result winds up paying for this legal education that typically will cost them fifty to one hundred thousand dollars before the local attorney understands what is really going on.

  4. The JW parent will be instructed to go easy on everything till the final ruling. They will allow participation in school activities, other religions and holidays by the non member parent without making a fuss. The minute the final ruling happens, the door slams shut. Children are required to stop all association with anyone outside the religion, the non member parent is demonized as a member of Satan’s World soon to be destroyed by God, and the child is required to have total participation in literature distribution with baptism as early as possible. (some cases have been as early as age five) The child will be told the Jehovah is watching them at all times and any time they even think of not following their directives it means that God is going to execute them at any minute. Children often have panic attacks with non member parents.

  5. Expert Witnesses and guidance is the best way to increase your chance of success. When the non member parent has full custody, control over religious instruction, and medical care. The member parent is relieved of responsibility by the court. The religion will not pressure them to kidnap the child or break court order and lose all contact as a result both parents can focus on being parents instead of at war. An Expert Witness can educate your lawyer on the legal process JWs follow and then help the court to see this is not about religion but instead the endangerment of the normal development of the child. When facts are present clearly the child’s best interests will be served by full custody of the non member parent. You will actually save thousands of dollars in legal fees as you can focus on the foundation of the case instead of being manipulated by JW lawyers.

These five factors have often been realized too late by nonmember parents much to their chagrin. After being exhausted of financial resources and emotion many just give up. The Jehovah’s Witnesses are bullies that think they answer to God over the courts and view them as part of Satan’s agents. For those reasons it is imperative if you are ever faced with a custody battle involving JWs to do your homework learn as much as you can before going to court and follow specific guidelines to give your child the best opportunity for a normal life. One example of preparation is the “Child Custody Preparation Kit” offered by inside are key components to vastly help you make better decisions before you spend a lot of time, effort and money that you can never get back.

Most parents want what is the very best for their child. When you feel you are losing that child by how they act toward you and just the look in their eyes, it sets off an anger and panic to take action to protect them. Oftentimes this is when mistakes are made that can be very costly financially and affect the outcome of the case. So remember, keep a cool head, and educate yourself as much as you can about what you are up against. Find a good local family law attorney that is agreeable to working with experts and not afraid to look at practices associated with religion that are detrimental to the child.

By taking the proper actions you will save yourself much money,grief, wasted emotion, and energy. In the end you will give your child the best chance at having a normal life without them having the fear of being executed by God at any minute. 

If you have questions about your custody case you are invited to contact at this toll free number for a free consultation: 800-762-9227


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