Thank you Leigh Ann Remini from all Jehovah’s Witnesses


Last night the Jehovah’s Witnesses were blessed with the most gracious offering from the ex scientology girl. Thousands of Jehovah’s clean people rejoiced and were motivated for additional sacred service as her program justified everything we had been taught about how apostates operate. The persecution was directed by Satan and foretold!! 

From the onset of a JW “Bible Study” we are taught that malicious lying apostates would spread misinformation to persecute Jehovah’s innocent people who are trying to protect His glorious name and make it known. These people would be defined as “Apostates”. Apostates have one singular goal to use some truth to misrepresent the actual “Truth” and destroy the faith of Jehovah’s people as well as mislead “Satan’s World” into hating God’s people which of course will lead to the battle of Armageddon. This is what was foretold in the Bible as Jesus said, “They will hate you as they have hated me…” 

Last night a cacophony of wicked people under the control of Satan, who were kicked out for fornication, adultery, drugs, smoking, and many other Biblical sins, etc…by their own admission; were disgruntled because they were no longer allowed to associate with Jehovah’s clean people. Why would the organization allow such dregs of humanity to be part of their clean organization? How could they be allowed to associate within the congregation or their families as ‘bad association spoils useful habits”? When these disgruntled apostates go on live TV and cry and complain to get sympathy from the “World” it is further proof of their absolute wickedness and the reason their families want no part of them. Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers rejoiced! That they were no longer contaminated by their wicked Apostate influence and thus they were moved to greater privileges in Jehovah’s sacred service.

The absolute best part of the program was when the wicked apostates were shown at the end, crying and begging for their families to associate with them again. It was complete confirmation and justification that disfellowshipping works, and was having a powerful influence on their lives and it was just a matter of time till they made the choice to return to Jehovah before the end that is so near! Their suffering was the result of their own actions as they did not want to pay the price that their dedication to Jehovah required. It also made certain that these individuals have now made themselves the worst of all apostates on earth by publicly speaking out against Jehovah and they will no doubt be the very first ones slaughtered at Armageddon, which is about to happen at any minute. Thank Jehovah we are not poisoned or contaminated by their “bad association” and presence!

The only choice for God’s honest hearted ones is to shun them harder than ever and reach out for full time service and make ever larger donations to the Worldwide Work of “preaching the good news of the kingdom and then the end will come”.

We thank Jehovah for helping his people to be fortified from the persecution of lying apostates and allowing us yet another day in the spiritual paradise of the happiest people on earth!!!


You got a lot of fight left in you


Governing Body Held Accountable Eighteen Years Ago