How many Jehovah’s Witnesses were Incarcerated in the Holocaust?


Jehovah’s Witnesses claim much greater numbers to have been part of the Holocaust, as you see from the monument above. They are receiving reparations from Germany in the amount of thousands of dollars, so inflating the numbers grants them more money. The problem is they are meticulous record keepers, so they knew the exact numbers and published them in the 1974 yearbook in a report on the Holocaust. They so wish they could take those numbers back, as it nails them to the actual facts, even though then continue to misrepresent the actual numbers. The facts show in comparison to most other religions and every one else, JWs had minimal amounts of their 20,000 members at the time actually go to concentration camps, about 10%. They were often awarded better jobs such as house servants to the Nazi’s as they were extremely ‘trustworthy and cooperative’. 

When you compare that to virtually any other group that is extremely low. As an example almost twice as many Catholics died than JWs, yet you do not see near as much attention given to them for their losses during the war and they were an accepted religion. So once again we see Theocratic Warfare Doctrine being practiced to lie and mislead the public as to what actually happened in WWII. See the information below to clarify the actual numbers and extent of JW involvement with the Holocaust. 

How many estimated were killed in the Holocaust?

7,000,000 Jews Killed

500,000 Gypsies Killed

250,000 Homosexuals Killed

1,034 Catholics Killed

635 Jehovah’s Witnesses Killed

How Many JWs Died During The Holocaust?

Arrested - 6,019 

Total number of arrests * - 8,917 

Total number in concentration camps - 2,000 

Died in prison - 635 

Actually executed - 203 

* Some were arrested many times.

The figures are untrue
Nothing can be more damaging than being proven liars by their own writings. JWorg has, I'm sure, regretted the 1974 Yearbook more than once, since this book proves them liars as to the numbers of JWs in Germany, the number of imprisoned and dead witnesses, and so on. Take a look at this:

*** yb74 pp. 109-110 Germany (Part One) ***
So it was just that much more encouraging when the 1946 report was compiled and it was found that 24,843 persons had attended the Memorial celebration, to compare with 14,453 the year before. The number of publishers active during the testimony period was likewise a cause for rejoicing: 19,268, in contrast to 12,484 during the Kingdom booklet campaign a year before.”

So, 24,843 persons had attended the Memorial celebration! That's something quite different from how many Jehovah's Witnesses they claimed there was. Quite different!

According to the same book, there was 33,741 publishers in Germany in 1948 - but 48,120 persons attended the "Memorial". Which is, as I said, something quite different.

When the JWorg "scholars" try to raise the numbers to 25.000 Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany, and the figures of arrested people grows every year, and then inflate how many dead there was, it's nothing but a fabrication to get sympathy - which again generates money!

*** yb74 212 Germany (Part One) ***

“But despite the hard conditions, how those who worshiped Jehovah rejoiced! They had been privileged to prove their integrity to the Sovereign Ruler of the universe. During Hitler’s rule 1,687 of them had lost their jobs, 284 their businesses, 735 their homes and 457 were not allowed to carry on their trade. In 129 cases their property had been confiscated, 826 pensioners had been refused their pensions and 329 others had suffered other personal loss. There were 860 children who had been taken away from their parents. In 30 cases marriages had been dissolved due to pressure by political officials, and in 108 cases divorces had been granted when requested by mates opposed to the truth. A total of 6,019 had been arrested, several two, three or even more times, so that, all together, 8,917 arrests were registered. All together they had been sentenced to serve 13,924 years and two months in prison, two and a quarter times as long as the period since Adam’s creation. A total of 2,000 brothers and sisters had been put into concentration camps, where they had spent 8,078 years and six months, an average of four years. A total of 635 had died in prison, 253 had been sentenced to death and 203 of these had actually been executed. What a record of integrity!”

“Conditions in Nazi camps were harsh for all inmates. Many prisoners died from hunger, disease, exhaustion, exposure to the cold, and brutal treatment. Incarcerated Jehovah's Witnesses were sustained by the support they gave each other and by their belief that their suffering was part of their work for God. Individual Witnesses astounded guards with their refusal to conform to military-type routines like roll call or roll bandages for soldiers at the front. At the same time, camp authorities considered Witnesses to be relatively trustworthy because they refused to escape or physically resist their guards. For this reason, Nazi camp officers and guards often used Witnesses as domestic servants.”

“Of the 25,000 to 30,000 Germans who in 1933 were Jehovah's Witnesses, an estimated 20,000 remained active through the Nazi period. The remainder fled Germany, renounced their faith, or confined their worship to the family. Of those remaining active, about half were convicted and sentenced at one time or another during the Nazi era for anywhere from one month to four years, with the average being about 18 months. Of those convicted or sentenced, between 2,000 to 2,500 were sent to concentration camps, as were a total of about 700 to 800 non-German Witnesses (this figure includes about 200-250 Dutch, 200 Austrians, 100 Poles, and between 10 and 50 Belgians, French, Czechs, and Hungarians).” 

“The number of Jehovah's Witnesses who died in concentration camps and prisons during the Nazi era is estimated at 1,000 Germans and 400 from other countries, including about 90 Austrians and 120 Dutch. (The non-German Jehovah's Witnesses suffered a considerably higher percentage of deaths than their German co-religionists.) In addition, about 250 German Jehovah's Witnesses were executed -- mostly after being tried and convicted by military tribunals -- for refusing to serve in the German military.”

“In the Nazi years, about 10,000 Witnesses were imprisoned in concentration camps, most of them of German nationality. After 1939, small numbers of Witnesses from Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Norway, and Poland (some of them refugees from Germany) were arrested and deported to Dachau, Bergqn-Belsen, Buchenwald, Sachsen-hausen, Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, Mauthausen, and other concentration camps. An estimated 2,500 to 5,000 Witnesses died in the camps or prisons. More than 200 men were tried by the German War Court and executed for refusing military service.”

Clergy Incarcerated in Dachau Camp
NationalityCatholicsOther creedsTotal Poles 1,748 32 1,780 Germans 411 36 447 French 153 3 156 Czechs, Slovaks 93 16 109 Dutch 29 34 63 Belgians 46 - 46 Italians 28 - 28 Luxemburgers 16 - 16 Danes - 5 5 Lithuanians 2 1 3 Hungarians 3 - 3 Stateless 1 2 3 Swiss - 2 2 Greeks - 2 2 British 2 - 2 Albanians - 2 2 Norwegians - 1 1 Rumanians 1 - 1 Spaniards 1 - 1 Totals2,5791412,720

(Of these, a total of 1,034 died in the camp; 132 were transferred to other camps or liquidated; 1,240 were liberated on April 29, 1945; and 314 were released before that date.)

Yellow - Jew

A chart of prisoner markings.
— KZ Gedenkstaette Dachau

Brown - Gypsy

Violet - Jehovah's Witness

Pink - Homosexual

Green - Habitual criminal

Red - Political prisoner

Black - Asocial

Blue - Emigrant

Soviet Union 


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