Memorial a death celebration


This year is yet another memorial and millions will attend to hear a 30 minute talk that is repeated word for word every year. Those in attendance will be reminded they are of the earthly class and thus unworthy to partake when the emblems are passed. Women will wear their new dresses and families will hope to see all weak and ex members attend as a proof they continue to accept the JWs are right. In the end, whatever disasters have happened around the world, will be exploited to instill fear that the Sun might set red and the destruction of every living human with the exception of exceptional Jehovah's Witnesses, is due to start. If you want to make a JW giggle, kill several thousand people in a natural disaster, as they believe for the ten thousandth time, it is the beginning of the end. The home office will put out a call for donations, to "assist" members in need, but require the donations to go into the general fund, so they can reap a windfall and spend it on their legal fund to protect pedophiles, or anyway they wish. In the end, after a few years as things continue, blind faith, along with violations of trust, will continue to abuse innocent people. 

The actual reality is, the Memorial is a celebration of death. Death of families, careers, freedom, good will, mental peace, and normal existence. So in the days leading up to this mindless and shallow event, think of these lost people and hope that someday, they will find what living a real life means.


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