Who Will Save Snow White?


A recently reviewed the JW.org streaming television websiteand quite frankly it is a beautiful website with slick stage and speakers and music and sound, of such professional grade it would rival any television studio. And then I look at the message, everyone seems so kind and caring and so interested in this cause of saving the world and trying to do the right thing. The speakers and kindness and the caring eyes with gentle words as they put forth message of hope and love to bring people to a better state. Then at the end of the main video this most beautiful song on the guitar as acompliment with young man singing beautiful words to scenes of people working together, happy, enjoying moments, and sharing many memories, as I personally recall as Jehovah’s Witness myself. The material altogether presented a beautiful message and a beautiful picture that will no doubt bring many to the Jehovah’s Witness Empire as willing members. 

As I often do I tried to think of a metaphor that could describe what I was feeling about the message presented through these videos presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses. A fairytale story came to mind and that was a story of Snow White. Snow White was innocent young girl who was manipulated and abused by a beautiful wicked queen. Snow White sought refuge with seven dwarves that gave her protection, a feeling of family, understanding, belonging and love. The wicked queen could not fathom anyone having more beauty than her so in her mind she had to destroy Snow White. Her methodology to do so was to craft a beautiful luscious apple that was penetrated with poison as a way to get her to partake of her own undoing. The queen disguised herself as a little old lady not to be feared but instead to be trusted, that was kind and gentle. She then went into the woods and found where Snow White resided and presented her with the succulent fruit as a gift. As we all remember the story, Snow White’s innocence allowed her to trust the gentle old woman and accept the fruit as a kind offering which ultimately led to her ruin. 

Does anyone see the parallels here? 

I see the Watchtower Corporation much like the wicked queen that has selfish interests at heart to hurt and manipulate others. What are those interests? Using innocent people as slave labor to distribute literature with the threat of God murdering them in a horrible Armageddon if they do not comply. But first they have to learn with the red luscious poison apple that looks like comradery, family, love, caring and unity. In the end it delivers it’s potent carnage of shunning, hatred, destruction of family and grief. The streaming video website of Jehovah’s Witnesses is that poison apple that’s being used to destroy the lives of thousands and ultimately manipulate the lives of millions to never live a real life but instead, one filled with fear and guilt trying to escape destruction from a fake coming apocalypse. 

What is left for people like us but perhaps perform as the seven dwarves to try to salvage and help those that suffer as a result of their wicked machinations. We watch from afar as we see thousands of apples being presented to innocent Snow Whites and we cry out to try and warn them not to do it, but we know there’s little that can be done to stop a $1+ billion corporation in their ability to distribute poison apples with slave labor. 

We truly know the wicked queen, her self-serving purpose and have been victims of her hurtful ways. We have known the loss of innocence and understand the pain they will not be able to avoid.

What is left for us to do, but hold the course, keep the faith, and have the courage to try and be one of those who will be there to save Snow White.


I Can’t Cry Hard Enough


Memorial a death celebration