Jeho Pedo


When I started everyone called me a liar. But I had proof…..the letters and testimony of the molester. I had something else, a crushed heart. For I learned that everything I believed in was nothing. The question that kept replaying in my mind that would not stop was, “If they would willfully hurt children what are they capable of?” I so wanted to find a different answer, one that would be based on my error and somehow it could all be made right. That was not to be, instead of humble men seeking to Shepard the flock, I was faced with arrogant bullies that wanted to crush anyone that stood in their way. They had crushed so many victims; silenced by their twisted policy. It felt like watching a bully on the playground hit and pummel only those smaller and unable to defend themselves. How could I just watch? No more, I wanted to step in between and say, “Pick on someone your on size.” So I listened to so many horrendous stories of cowardly men allowing children to be hurt. I felt so much anger, I just wanted to hit them back for their arrogance and hurtful way they destroyed so many lives. So you could say it was a war of sorts. A war of a Frankenstein they created. You see as a JW I was taught to stand up for what you believe till death. So if this was a truth there was no fear in fighting for that truth no matter what the odds. So was my mission; a monster they made.

We did press conferences, flew in victims to be there, set up meetings, phones calls around the world financed mostly out of my pocket. While my credit was good my pockets were not that deep and it drove me into bankruptcy. It was ok as it was the right thing to do and I thought as some point victims would have the ability to step up and support the work. In 2007 a law firm I worked with for seven years providing thousands of pages of documentation and consultation settled a major case. The victory was hollow. When we made the agreement to work on the cases it was a handshake with the simple understanding that we would not settle and Silentlambs would be given support. Well they settled, signed gag orders, and ignored Silentlambs. I know what people feel like when they are used and thrown away. Of course that is kind of the theme when you are an xjw. Perhaps only xjws can fully understand that comment. I guess I learned to not expect anything and know doing what is right really does not have a price you can demand. 

I try to keep the focus on the main issue. For me it is a little stuffed lamb. Every time I speak publicly or on any matter I always try to have one with me. Why? To remind me when I speak I am giving a voice to those that cannot. It is not about me, it is about them. So when I step up it is for those that have been bullied and silenced. It is a powerful moment and feeling to have the privilege to do that. As time has passed the anger has left and more a feeling of calm. It seems everything we hoped to accomplish has been done; To educate the public and JWs on the policy. Now it is well known and freely discussed. To expose the Governing Body for their decision making crimes against children. To take their reputation and their money for keeping bad policy. To make JWs have to explain their position when they go in door to door work. To help JW parents realize they should make their own decision if ever their children are abused and not obey the policy. To help thousands to know they are not alone and they have a right to speak out and have a voice, it was not their fault. 

In the end where is God in all of this? Does a supreme entity really support a group of people that have systematically destroyed the lives of thousands of people because they are imperfect? That ‘honest hearted’ people are supposed to be patient and “wait in Jehovah’ to fix everything at some point. Those words were burned into my brain when I reported a molester to the legal and service departments and was told to leave it in Jehovah’s hands. It was a profound moment when I realized God had nothing to do with it, but instead it was just a way to allow freedom to a pedophile while pretending it was God’s will. That was the moment they would never allow me to violate my own moral compass with their stupid rules. It was the day I was truly set free.

You see if I am wrong then Jehovah must be a pedophile. He created an organization directed by leadership of which several members have been accused of molesting children. He helped them make a policy that allows thousands of children to be molested and finances the defense of their pedophiles with unlimited donations to the Worldwide Work. The basis of their defense is their religious right to confidentiality which allows criminal information to be non-disclosed. This allows thousands of pedophiles to avoid prosecution and freely molest. So what does that make Him?

Jeho Pedo

A real God would make His religion have as the top priority to protect its children. Members would be told if it took their last donation dollar they would see to it that molesters were reported and a special fund would be set up to give assistance and counseling for abuse survivors. I could donate to a cause like that and worship a God that had the integrity to make His people stand for what is right.

But “Jeho Pedo” can’t do that. He hides behind the Governing Body and forces His followers to blindly follow bad policy. Members must sacrifice their children to this policy while they wait for "Jeho Pedo” to do the right thing that He never gets around to. When someone confronts members on the issue they claim persecution from apostates as a cop out to prevent them from facing the reality of children being hurt. “Jeho Pedo” has them well programmed not to think but just obey. If they do not obey then he kills them of course. That’s the “Jeho Pedo” love.

It’s a sad reality for eight million people on earth today. So this summer as they go to their district conventions and donate millions of dollars to support the protection of pedophiles, “Jeho Pedo” will bless His people with new victims in the pedophile paradise.


Governing Body to all former members “Please DA (disassociate) yourself!”


Bulgaria - Blood & Jehovah's Witnesses