Religious Contracts

Religious Contracts

As has been commented on before, "Religious Contracts" have a much wider range of constraints that you cannot question. Attached is a letter from Mario Marino an attorney from the Legal Department of Jehovah's Witnesses, The letter is a response to a request for private information retained in church files on an individual. Note in his comment he acknowledges the covering over of unlawful acts using ecclesial privilege as a basis to do so.

No other contract in the world would allow this authority over anyone. Yet when you are baptized your contract is a lifetime agreement that can never be undone. This highlights the reason that children in particular should be protected from ever being pressured into agreeing to baptism in the JW community. If you are a parent take all efforts to make sure that your children wait till legal age of at least 18 before ever even thinking of being baptized as a JW. If you are in a custody battle make sure the custody agreement states this as a requirement in order to protect your children from being locked into a contract they have no concept of the punishments associated with it.

JWorg Attorney Letter

JWorg Attorney Letter


The Moment


How to Report a Jehovah's Witness Child Molester