Love Never Fails


I have been free of Jehovah’s Witness control for around twenty years and yet in some ways you are never free. When I left over the issue of hurting kids by covering up child abuse, in that process, I lost my parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, (around forty family members) along with thousands of people that I had known all my life. Simply stated, I was locked out of ever having a relationship with any of these people, ever again, unless I would agree to live a lie and beg them to take me back. So far, that has not happened, and yet how has life been for my family within? Is it really so great for the self proclaimed, ‘happiest people on earth’? 

The most curious part for “joyful multitude” is how JWs define love. Their love is totally based on “conditions”. These conditions require many things that have to be agreed to without question. In the most simple of terms, you must become a slave to a publishing company. All your time, money and energy must be totally devoted to JWorg no matter what your health and mental condition. If you fail to do this in any way, the love is withdrawn and you are persecuted for the rest of your life. In the definition love for a JW, persecution is a form of love because it requires the victim to suffer until they agree to be a slave again for JWorg. This recalabration of love is stretched to extremes when it comes to victims of abuse as it victimizes them even further. Take for example when a child is abused and they try to come forward and report their abuser. The child is silenced using the two eye-witness rule and the abuser basically laughs at them. The anger, due to betrayal of trust boils up and the child acts out in emotional turmoil with destructive behaviors. 

What is the loving solution from JWorg? 

Cut them off from everyone and everything they know by disfellowshipping. This has resulted in many committing suicide or at least completely destroying their lives. Then, to add insult to injury, when victims go to court to seek justice, they are met by the JWorg Legal Machine that uses unlimited funding to hire the most expensive law firms to make sure they never get a dime or even if they do get a settlement to tie it up for years to reduce it as much as possible. This “loving” arrangement is paid for by donations to the Worldwide Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses that every member contributes to.

I have been involved with this work legally for many years and watched this happen over and over again. JW love is a very brittle and harsh reality that millions of people are forced to experience each day. Yet even more closely in my life on a personal level, I see the injury that continues. Just recently, I spoke with a non-JW relative that my JW family communicates with occasionally. It was discovered that my sister has been disfellowshipped and is endeavoring to be reinstated as a member. My sister is a damaged person physically and mentally. Due to abuse she has struggled with alcohol and prescription medication addiction. In that process she has attempted suicide several times. She is now on disability and lives in a nursing home. Well, finally the elders got involved and they developed a ‘loving plan’ to assist in dealing with her anguish; They disfellowshipped her for trying to kill herself when they told her not to. You see the charge was loose conduct; “A failure to follow theocratic direction.” 

This is the way that love never fails for a JW you see. When you have problems they do not wish to deal with, they eliminate you from the process and thus it is no longer their problem. Let Satan’s world of disability and healthcare sort out the problem. Interestingly, since being cut off, my sister got counseling, got off alcohol and pain medications, thanks to Satan’s world she is getting to a much better place, but do you know the main place she is seeking to return? Back to JWorg to suspend the persecution of losing all her JW friends and family. How long do you think she will survive till she attempts suicide again once reinstated? Time will tell, but from personal observation this is a cycle that will continue from when she was reinstated before. It is a hopeless circumstance created by a cacophony of imbeciles that define love in the most masochistic of terms. To get the love you must have egregious pain. 

So we ask, is that really love? 

The Bible defines love with this eloquent statement:

“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

How could that in any way define the practices described above? 

In the end JWorg redefines ‘love never fails’ as a way to commit the most evil deeds to their victims and then walk away patting themselves in the back while declaring their righteousness. When you read something like this, it is truly a “king with no clothes” moment. When you simply see them for what they are and not what they force you to see. 

They are old, ugly, stupid, complicit, bad, and immoral people, as they clap, laugh and sing praises to something that does not exist within the entire organization.



Governing Body Held Accountable Eighteen Years Ago


Great JWorg Easter Egg Hunt!