Approved Association with Non “Human Apostates”


At the 2013 District Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses, a new talk is being delivered to panic members. Why the need for such hysteria? Donations are dropping; door to door work is largely on people not at home due to current work schedules, the fear of Armageddon is wearing thin after 150 years of saying it was going to happen at any minute. In addition, the multi-billion dollar property holdings around the world are geared toward printing over a billion pieces of literature each year and slave labor is needed in order to see that it actually goes somewhere. 

So what do you do when you want to frighten people into activity? You create a monster, a constructed monster so vile and bad that you must fight to the death to prevent this horror from over taking you. It’s kind of like the old comedy “Get Smart” in which a sinister organization called ‘Chaos’ was created to be the perpetual evil that the good agents must defend against. In the comedy, “Chaos” was always trying to do some hurtful things that were only thwarted by the actions of the good guys that beat them. This offers a basic template for how Jehovah’s Witnesses leadership keep followers in line by making a boogieman so vile, they will surly be devoured if they allow their guard down for one second. The only way to defeat this badness is to sell as many books as possible and not listen to any logic or reason that might stop you from your task.

What is the boogie man called? “Human Apostate”. The simple mention of this word to a member sends a fearful chill up their spine. The “Human Apostate” is described as; a disease, poisonous serpents, agents of Satan, liars, Anti-Christ, evil kitchen,unrepentant, poison, deceivers, evil, bad, etc… Are we getting a sense of over kill here? 

It would seem leadership (Governing Body) is in a panic to stem the tide of people just walking away or thinking logically. If people walk away then there is no free labor to sell their books and the entire enterprise will go under. The interesting aspect about this is in their ardor to demonize those that leave. There are three specific defining ways to identify a “Human Apostate”, they are as follows;

  1. Apostates profess to be followers of Jesus, but are not obedient to his commands.

  2. Most are not content to simply leave the faith they once viewed as true. They want to take others with them. Rather than going out and making their own disciples, many apostates seek to draw away Christ’s disciples after themselves.So a second characteristic that identifies human apostates is that they seek to draw away Christ’s disciples after themselves and cause divisions

  3. So a third characteristic that identifies human apostates is that they reject and try to discredit Jehovah’s representatives here on earth.

A third characteristic manifested by human apostates is they claim to serve Jehovah, yet they reject his representatives.

They seek to discredit Jehovah’s people and incite bans on our work.

So in plain English the evil monster that followers must flee in terror from has three primary characteristics. They profess to follow Jesus but do not sell books, want members to follow them instead, try to stop members from selling books.

This is a very succinct definition that may offer a great loophole for former members to now be able to associate with family that continues to be members. If you are not one of the three things above,you cannot be a “Human Apostate”, thus you are no threat and can be considered good association! 

As anyone with a dictionary knows the meaning of the word ‘apostate’ is just someone that leaves one belief system for another. Everyone on the face of the earth by that definition is an apostate. Yet Jehovah’s Witnesses like to fabricate new definitions that always are defined with motivation for selling books in one form or fashion. In the discussion below note at the end the only way to defeat Satan and all his evil minions including of course the “Human Apostates”, is to sell more books. 

So if you are one of those people that simply left the organization, do not follow Jesus, are not trying to get Jehovah’s Witnesses to follow you, and not trying to stop their book sales, then you are not a “Human Apostate”! You are just a regular person that is living your life and doing the best you can. You are no threat or danger by their definition, so you are now free to be part of your family again! Use the talk below to explain this wonderful gesture of the organization to bring families back together as long as you avoid the three areas above, everyone can just relax and be family. Now we know this loop hole might not last very long but if they try to close it there is a simple solution. 

Whenever your Jehovah’s Witness family wonders about you being a bad associate all you have to do is encourage them to sell more books. You see selling more books fixes all problems and is the ultimate solution to being a good Jehovah’s Witness. So if you are encouraging them to do this then you certainly must be directed by God and be accepted and loved.

In conclusion, if you wish to be a “Human Apostate”, follow the three directives above in their entirety to be in compliance. On the other hand, if you wish to hang out with your Jehovah’s Witness families in every conversation suggest that they need to sell more books and you will always be welcomed into their homes. That way you are a non “Human Apostate” and a non threat to the book sales of a multi-billion dollar religious corporation.

Beware of Human Apostates

You cannot be partaking at the table of Jehovah and the table of demons. These inspired words of the apostle Paul found at 1 Corinthians 10:21 show that two figurative tables are set before us. For the last day-and-a-half, you have been partaking at the table of Truth of Jehovah and haven’t you found it to be good?[clapping]. Jehovah uses human representatives, the faithful and appointed elders to dispense truths for those eating at his table. The apostate Satan disseminates falsehoods in a similar way. He mimics Jehovah by using human representatives. Who are they? If Satan and his demons are chefs in his evil kitchen then human apostates are his helpers. 

Wicked humans imitate the original apostate Satan. Like Satan, human apostates are unruly men who cook up wicked reasoning and season their brew with poisonous lies that deceive minds. Human apostates have sat at the table of Jehovah. At Jehovah’s table they enjoyed a table of well-oiled dishes, a banquet of wine kept on the grapes; they were domestics, part of the household of faith and partook of Bible truth, prepared and dispensed by the faithful steward, the Governing Body. But they pushed away from the table of Jehovah.Their preference is to partake of falsehoods at the table of demons. This action of pushing themselves away from the table of Jehovah is described for us at 1 John 2: 19 (They went out of us, for they were not of our sort…).

Apostates do not drift away from the truth. They deliberately decide to go out from among God’s people because they are not our sort. Human apostates are part of the seed of the serpent spoken of in Genesis 3:15. If we wish to please Jehovah we cannot sit as his table and at the same time be nibbling at the table of demons, eating from the hands of Satan’s helpers, human apostates. So, for the next few minutes we are going to discuss how to identify human apostates and what you must do to protect yourself from the poison of apostasy. Let’s first discuss how to identify human apostates. Apostasy often starts with prideful rejection of counsel and escalates into bitterness and jealousy - James 3:14.Because apostates allow bitterness to take root in their heart, they become defiant of and false to the truth. How does this defiance to the truth manifest itself. The actions of apostates bear three characteristics. These characteristics help us identify human apostates. The first identifying mark of human apostates is commented on at Luke 6: 46 (Why call me Lord, but not do the things I say). Apostates profess to be followers of Jesus, but are not obedient to his commands. A recent example of when this happened was in the mid-70’s when some prominent elders,some who even served at Bethel felt it was below their dignity to witness from house to house, proclaiming the message as commanded by Jesus. They urged others to take it easy because the humble work of witnessing from house to house work was not necessary or unscriptural. The Governing Body expelled the unrepentant apostates from the organization. The faithful slave did not allow the efforts of these apostates to distract it from the primary work of Jehovah’s witnesses, proclaiming God’s word of truth. So the first characteristic we can use to identify human apostates is that they reject God’s service. Many balk at Jesus’ command to go and make disciples. A second characteristic that identifies human apostates is commented on at Acts 20:30 (men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples for themselves). 

What is it that apostates want? Most are not content to simply leave the faith they once viewed as true. They want to take others with them. Rather than going out and making their own disciples, many apostates seek to draw away Christ’s disciples after themselves. Like a kidnapper who carries an unsuspecting victim away from his family, apostates prey upon trusting members of the congregation, seeking to carry them away from the flock. In addition they seek to cause divisions in the congregation - 2 Peter 2:1 (false teachers who quietly bring in destructive sects). To accomplish their goal of drawing away disciples after themselves or dividing the congregation, apostates may use smooth talk on the internet, on television or through letters to loyal witnesses of Jehovah. So a second characteristic that identifies human apostates is that they seek to draw away Christ’s disciples after themselves and cause divisionsA third characteristic manifested by human apostates is they claim to serve Jehovah, yet they reject his representatives - 3 John 9-10(does not receive anything from us with respect, using wicked words).

Apostates claim to serve God, but reject his representatives. They lie to authorities.Through the media they seek to discredit Jehovah’s people and incite bans on our work. For instance, in one country a news report instigated by apostates falsely stated that Jehovah’s witnesses supported Hitler’s regime during world war two. In other countries apostate used the media to accuse Jehovah’s witnesses of refusing to give medical treatment to their children and of deliberately condoning serious sins committed by fellow believers. So a third characteristic that identifies human apostates is that they reject and try to discredit Jehovah’s representatives here on earth.

Now that we know how to identify human apostates, what must we do to protect ourselves from the poison of apostasy? Romans 16:17 (keep your eye on those causing stumble and avoid them).

Suppose a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who was infected with a contagious deadly disease. Would you reason that limited contact is okay? Similarly human apostate as mentally diseased and they try to infect others with their disloyal teachings. Jehovah, the great physician tells us to avoid contact with them.What is involved in avoiding apostates? 2 John 10-11 (never receive him into your home or say a greeting, not to become sharers in their wickedness). Avoiding apostates means we will not allow them in our homes, reading their literature, watching TV programs that feature them, examining their websites or adding our comments to their blogs. Why do we take such a firm stand? We do not want to become sharers in their wicked works. We love the God of Truth. We are not interested in twisted teachings that contradict God’s word of truth. We love Jehovah’s organization, the organization that taught us thrilling truths.Truths about Jehovah’s name and its meaning. God’s purpose for the earth. The condition of the dead and the hope of the resurrection. Can you recall how you felt when you first learned these and other precious truths. Why then allow yourself to be sour? Poisoned by anyone who would belittle the organization through which you learned these truths. Does avoiding apostates imply that our faith is not strong enough to discern truth from falsehood? That our faith is not strong enough to discuss different views? Not at all. In our ministry we discuss with those who have different views. Apostates differ from those we meet in our ministry. Apostates are not sincere in their expressions. Their aim is to manipulate your mind and undermine your faith – Psalm 12:2 (untruth they keep speaking). With good reason the Bible then tells us to avoid apostates,just as we would avoid a person who was infected with a deadly contagious disease – 1 John 2:18-19 (many Anti-Christ’s that went out from us).

Because they oppose the truth, apostates are part of the Anti-Christ. They are liars and deceivers, out to destroy your relationship with Jehovah God and his son Christ Jesus. Therefore we want to avoid them for they are not of our sort.Deuteronomy 32:46-47 (apply you hearts to all the words I am speaking and warning; it means your life).

Heeding his inspired warnings means our very life. How thankful we are for divine warnings against apostasy. May we show our appreciation by walking in God’s word of Truth. May we stay busy in the work Jesus assigned us to do; Sharing God’s word of Truth with others. By doing so, you will forever enjoy Jehovah’s divine seal of approval.


Beware of Human Apostates


Evil Prevails